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Email Marketing

You have arrived at the most comprehensive and up-to-date blog in Hebrew about email marketing and email deliverability.

Some articles have English translations, and I will add more soon.

The blog includes dozens of articles on email marketing for beginners and advanced users, covering the field professionally.

Email marketing is an established channel, but perhaps because email is the first digital media, it does not receive the attention and professional expertise it deserves.

Here you can find dozens of professional and detailed articles on email marketing, email deliverability, email delivery systems reviews, marketing automation, content marketing, email marketing for e-commerce, email marketing tips, and more.

Every week I publish a new article and at the same time update previous articles to keep the blog a current source of knowledge.

ג'ימייל בן 20

Gmail 20th Birthday

Gmail is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Congratulations to Gmail. The mailbox provider that has become loved by it’s users and challenges marketeers. תוכן עניינים 20th birthday to…. Gmail Gmail is Google’s email service launched on April 1, 2004, which led people to

Gmail 20th Birthday המשך קריאה >>>

Gmail Retvec text vectorizer text classification and security

Gmail’s new RetVec module enhances its text categorization algorithm to improve spam filtering

Gmail enhances its algorithm for text categorization and spam filtering, and imposes extra requirements on email marketers. תוכן עניינים Gmail’s spam filtering is now undergoing dramatic changes. Fast, efficient, and accurate identification of harmful and abusive content, such as phishing attacks, fraudulent

Gmail’s new RetVec module enhances its text categorization algorithm to improve spam filtering המשך קריאה >>>

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