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This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date blog and podcast in Hebrew on email marketing and email deliverability, including hundreds of in-depth articles and podcasts on email marketing.

Professionals make sure to stay up to date in their field. To help you keep up to date with everything new, important, and interesting to know in the world of email marketing, you should subscribe to the newsletter of the leading blog in the field in Hebrew.

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Sella Yoffe

Sella Yoffe, the creator of the blog and podcast and EmailGeeks.Show and CEO of Data Media.

An international email deliverability and email marketing expert.

Consultant and accompanies companies and businesses, startups, and email platforms (ESPs) in Israel and around the world on email offenses, email marketing strategy and email authentication.

Here you can find professional detailed articles on email marketing, email deliverability, email marketing platforms review (ESP), marketing automation, content marketing and its integration into email marketing, email marketing for e-commerce, email marketing tips, and more. 

I am constantly posting new articles and podcasts, while also updating previous articles, so that the blog will continue to be up-to-date.

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